The P-Shot: Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections for Penis Enlargement and Sexual Enhancement

By Michael March 7, 2023
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Platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, is a substance that promotes healing when injected. Your blood’s plasma contains unique “factors,” or proteins, that facilitate blood clotting. It has proteins that help cells grow. We can significantly increase the rate of cell rejuvenation with this new cell growth spurt and lessen the impacts of stress and oxidation on the tissues. With this improvement in cell nourishment, the penis as an organ will be able to function better.

When we inject PRP, we deliver a minimal quantity of highly concentrated growth factor preparations. The effects of the growth factors are enhanced by the high degree of concentration. The critical distinction between the nutrients produced by your body and those we administer through injection into the body is the procedure of extracting such a rich preparation of growth factors.

When Can It Be Used?

In addition to a P-shot, PRP is used in other medical specialties to reduce inflammation and enhance tissue health in the body. Considering this is a local process (meaning we inject it directly into the preferred area), most clinics have experience injecting PRP into other body sites. For example:-

  • Hair loss: Androgenic alopecia can be effectively treated with PRP injections (male pattern baldness). This is often done following a thorough examination and excluding other hair loss-related factors.

  • Joint & Tendon injuries: PRP injections have been demonstrated to help with common ailments like tennis elbow, knee arthritic diseases, and other aches and pains.

  • Acute injuries: PRP technology is also used to treat recent injuries like sprained knees or pulled hamstrings by reducing inflammation and discomfort.

The Priapus shot was then developed based on this. After all, why not the tissue responsible for erections if it could successfully assist in tissue regeneration in muscles and tendons? However, in terms of its use in medicine to induce erections, it is relatively new.

How Is It Done?

  • First, we take a blood sample.

  • After that, we put the material into a centrifuge to separate it. It may take the separating procedure 15 minutes or so. The centrifuge and separation technique applied here must suit the intended usage.

  • After that, we remove the plasma and get ready for injection.

  • Afterward, we inject the plasma into different sites on the penis. No need to worry; we’ll give you plenty of local anesthesia before the injection. Although the procedure won’t put you to sleep, it will significantly lessen the fear associated with the injections.

  • You will be administered under local anesthesia before the injection. This is to lessen the discomfort associated with the treatment and to make it painless.

What Sort Of Chances Can You Expect From A P-Shot Treatment?

  • The optimum cosmetic result in some circumstances would be a visible change in your penis size. This is difficult to duplicate and frequently does not indicate a more excellent erection. It appears bigger than it was given that the injection was just performed. Sometimes, it may just be the result of swelling after the injection.

  • It gives you a higher erection strength

  • In some cases of Peyronie’s Disease (abnormal curvature of the penis), a P-shot treatment can help reduce the degree of the bend in your penis.

  • It can improve an erection even more when combined with other treatment techniques (creams, drugs, penis pumps, etc.).

  • Provides you improved sensitivity and overall pleasure in sexual activity

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